A fan page devoted to very familiar faces

Valerie Mahaffey
Valerie Mahaffey

Valerie Mahaffey

Valerie Mahaffey is Patrice the pretentious papier maché artist and tax expert accountant in The Truth (Season 3 Episode 2).

George breaks up with her due to the fact that she is annoyingly pretentious, which includes wrongly pronouncing «papier-maché» to sound more French.

When George tells her the real reason for breaking up with her (the truth), she commits herself to a mental hospital.

However, after he finds out, George visits her to apologize and also to get back Jerry's tax papers which he gave to her so she could sort out Jerry's audit, which she sadly did not and instead threw out the papers in a fit of depression.

After apologizing, she and George briefly got back together and went to go see amateur poetry down by the docks at the end of the episode.

She was seen in:

* Dead to Me

* Jack and Jill

* Frasier

* Young Sheldon

* The Exes

* Wings

* Women of the House

* Caroline and the City

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This is a fan page dedicated to the actors and actresses that once were in Seinfeld, to support them and and to highlight their great contribution to our culture.

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